
FundScrip, Non-Profit Fundraisers’ Best Friend

A non-profit fundraising’s purpose is something other than making a profit - funds are raised for a cause or a mission. We all know that it can be hard, as not everyone is willing to give out their money without getting anything in return. Non-profit organizations often sell items or do benefit dinners, marathons, and other events or activities to raise money and achieve their goal. However, those usually only last a day and a lot of time and organization are required to plan them.

A Simple Continuous Fundraiser

With FundScrip, non-profit fundraisers can continuously raise money without having to put that much time and organization. Make an order, receive the ordered gift cards, and voila, funds are raised! The program is easy to use and can reach more people. Not everyone has the time and the will to participate in events and activities that are organized… but everyone spends money, everyday. It’s a great way to grocery shop and offer gifts while contributing to a cause at the same time. The best part is they don’t have to spend a single dime in donations, as a donation is included in every card purchased! Making regular orders are what work best and with more than 230 retailers, there’s everything for everyday expenses!

Mix And Match Fundraising Activities, Events And FundScrip Program

FundScrip may be a continuous fundraising program, but it doesn’t mean that events and activities must be forgotten! Purchasing cards in advance to sell them in person or taking orders during events and activities are an even better way to raise funds. Mixed together, goals are reached effectively!